BTA Tools
BTA deep hole drilling tools are used in hole applications of 12 mm [0.47 in] diameter and larger. These BTA tools are provided by world leading cutting tool manufacturers, and integrated into UNISIG deep hole drilling machines to achieve customers’ performance and production goals. Complex projects are handled with reduced risk and increased confidence.
UNISIG works with all of the major deep hole drilling tool manufacturers to select and provide optimal solutions to our customers. BTA tools are provided with UNISIG deep hole drilling systems with process collaboration projects, turn key systems, and drilling service and testing in our tech center. BTA drilling tools are otherwise recommended based on our extensive engineering and practical experience with tools and applications, and our strong, engineering level relationships with BTA tool manufacturers.
Find BTA Drilling Tools
BTA Drilling Tools
BTA drilling tools drill deep hole into metal, using external, high-pressure coolant. In BTA drilling, high pressure coolant is introduced through the space between the finished hole, and the outside of the tool, and chips are discharged through the tool center and machine spindle.
BTA deep hole drilling tools provide penetration rates generally 3-5 times faster than gundrilling tools.
Click to learn more about the BTA drilling process.
BTA drills are available in brazed disposable, and indexable tools, which consume replaceable carbide inserts.

Brazed BTA Tools
Brazed BTA drilling tools are disposable, and effective at drilling deep holes at relatively smaller diameter.
12 – 65 mm [0.47 – 2.56 in]
Drills holes from solid
External Coolant

Indexable BTA Tools
Indexable BTA drilling tools use carbide inserts which are consumed during the metal cutting process, and can be replaced within the same tool body.
25 – 630 mm [0.93 – 24.8 in]
Drills holes from solid
External Coolant
Additional Tools for Use on BTA Machines
Additional deep hole drilling and machining tools can be used on BTA deep hole drilling machines to achieve specific finished hole properties or reach strict tolerances.

Counter Boring Tools
Counterboring tools are used to enlarge existing holes, which are either drilled or cast. Counterboring is generally configured to pilot off a finished bore for straightness, using wear pads which are supported by the existing bore. It can also be configured to reach stringent concentricity requirements, using the pre-bore diameter for a guide. This process is capable of high stock removal, with multi-cutter counterbore tools.
20 – 630 mm [0.79 – 24.8 in]
Enlarges existing holes
External Coolant

Pull Boring Tools
Pull boring is a specific configuration of counterboring, in which the tool is pulled back through the existing hole on a tensioned bar, for strict straightness tolerances. Pull boring provides exceptional control over straightness by using the boring bar in tension, rather than compression, and by following the center line of the machine by supporting off the finished hole. Pull boring tools can also be used to maintain uniform wall thickness, by piloting off the original hole.
20 – 630 mm [0.79 – 24.8 in]
Straightens existing holes
External Coolant

Trepanning Tools
Trepanning tools are used to drill a hole into solid material, by cutting a larger diameter and leaving a solid core in the center of the hole. Trepanning can produce a larger diameter hole with less power than solid drilling in certain cases, and the core is often re-used in other applications.
20 – 500 mm [0.79 – 20.0 in]
Drills larger holes from solid, leaving reusable core
External Coolant

Skiving and Roller Burnishing Tools
Skiving and roller burnishing is a one-pass, two-process operation that finishes hydraulic cylinders. Skiving tools can be visualized as modified floating reamers, which remove material from the inside hole diameter, for improved roundness and surface finish, with low radial engagement. Roller burnishing cold works the surface of the workpiece by plasticizing the top layer of material, compressing peaks and filling in valleys, resulting in mirror surface finish properties.
20 – 500 mm [0.79 – 20.0 in]
Finishes existing bore for surface finish requirements
External Coolant

Bottom Forming Tools
Bottom forming tools are used to finish the base of a blind hole into a specific profile, and are essentially form tools that are used on BTA deep hole drilling machines. Bottom forming tools are guided with wear pads along the finished hole diameter to maintain extremely strict tolerance requirements during this process. Common forms are radius, steps, and flat bottoms, and are commonly used for aerospace applications.
20 – 500 mm [0.79 – 20.0 in]
Machines form profiles in the base of existing holes
External Coolant

Bottle Boring Tools
Bottle boring tools create internal profiles within the length of a bore. The cutting tool is extended and retracted with CNC capabilities on a BTA deep hole drilling machine, in order to produce the required contour inside the workpiece.
Special Application
Creates specific profile within an existing hole
External Coolant

Tube Finishing Large Diameter Counterbore
Finishing extremely large diameter holes requires specially configured counterboring tools and extreme amounts of coolant flow. These large diameter counterbore tools use the push operation with internal, through-tool-wall coolant supply, combined with BTA type indexable carbide cutting inserts.
300 – 1,200 mm [12.0 – 48.0 in]
Special configuration for extremely large diameters
Internal Coolant
BTA drills work as part of a system with deep hole drilling machines and durable tooling.