Core Values at UNISIG
Dedicated people all pulling together in the same direction can accomplish anything. Our Core Values are inspired by our best employees and help us determine if someone is the right fit. They are not ranked in order of importance.
Driven to perform
Solve problems, don’t create them
Strong individuals who value a team
Desire to find what is next
Committed to detail and consistency
Even though we share the same values, the people at UNISIG are very different from each other. Personalities, backgrounds, experience and everything that makes individuals unique are what allow us to create and improve on our ideas without becoming obsolete.

Driven to Perform
This doesn’t mean we work ourselves into the ground or long hours just to prove something. It means when we are working, we make the most of our time.
When things get difficult, we know how to break through barriers and find a way forward. This gives us more confidence to tackle the next challenge and we grow faster.
Everything we do must be done well because it matters to us. We are better because of it.

Solve Problems, Don’t Create Them
We don’t want to make anything more complex than needed – Simplicity is hard to achieve, but worth the effort.
We are good at solving problems because we get to the root of them before spending time trying to fix the wrong thing.
We have a wide view of our circumstances so we don’t make short sighted decisions that create other issues.

Strong Individuals Who Value a Team
Our business is technical, the subjects are complex, and individual talent is evident in our final solutions and in our products.
We know a team of smart people working together can accomplish much more than one person alone, and we, as individuals, work on a higher plane because of it.
The team is there to share knowledge and help everyone accomplish more.

Desire to Find What is Next
The world is ever changing. Technology and the tools we use are not stationary. We understand what made us great last year, may only make us good today. By always looking ahead to what is next, we will not become irrelevant or out of date.
We see this change as opportunity, and we want to look for improvements that push us ahead. Our forward-thinking make us secure no matter what happens.
When we find what is next for ourselves and the company, new opportunities are created for advancement and growth.

Committed to Detail and Consistency
We build high value products with thousands of parts, dimensions, and transactions, that would overwhelm others who don’t have our understanding and training.
We know it is faster to do something very well, with precision, than to work haphazardly and hope for a good outcome.
Our people learn details are important, every day, every time. This creates an energy that allows us to move efficiently rather than taking it away as we stop to fix avoidable problems.